Fun Friday Social - Fireside Chat hosted by Jason Moss and GMA

Posted By: Jason Moss MFG NEWS NETWORK,



Fun Friday

After a long week, you need a place to wind down and just relax with friends. The Coronavirus may have us "social distancing" physically but we can not let it create distance in our relationships. We can use this time to grow current relationships as well as create some new friendships.

Join us online for a "fireside chat" and we can share the lighter side of the week. I challenge you to share your best funny story from the week with your fellow Fun Friday partners.

Make plans now to join the conversation!

Topics will include:

  • Funny experiences 
  • Home School Fails
  • Survival with the Spouse

What you will learn:

Best Practices on how to deal with kids and spouses.

First-Hand information and the impact of running a home business while not getting paid for your services to the family.

BYOB - Optional



A new resource is available that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face... FUNNY FRIDAY PICS - This page is reserved specifically for people who have a sense of humor. This is where tons of light-hearted images are shared. These 280 images are best viewed with a full screen, so look for the expand button and click the arrows left and right to advance the pictures.